Tips for Finding the Best Kids ATV
- on December 02, 2022
- Categories: Articles
All-terrain vehicles are very popular and can provide hours of outdoor entertainment. By the year 2027, the global market for ATVs and UTVs is projected to exceed $11 billion. People love riding ATVs because these vehicles allow for extensive exploration of trails and areas that you can’t reach by car.
If you want to enjoy off-road fun with the whole family, you may be thinking about investing in a kids ATV as well as full-sized ATVs. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a kid-sized ATV.
How To Find the Best Kids ATV
Many families know what to look for in terms of full-size ATVs but may not be as confident when buying an ATV for a child. Here are a few tips you may want to consider when shopping for the best ATV for kids.
Decide Between Electric and GasThere are two main categories of kids ATVs: electric and gas-powered. There are pros and cons to both types, so it’s important to do your research and figure out which type will work best for your adventuring needs.
Electric ATVs have electric motors and tend to be quieter than gas-powered ATVs. Many parents like to have their kids learn how to ride an ATV on an electric model, but it’s important to note that kids often outgrow these models quickly because they are limited in their driving distance and often operate at lower speeds than gas-powered models.
A good old-fashioned gasoline-powered kids ATV is a great option for children who are more experienced riders. These ATVs are capable of reaching speeds up to 40mph. They also don’t need to be charged, which can be convenient if you’re out camping and don’t have immediate access to a power source.
Ensure the Right Grip ReachBefore purchasing an ATV for your child, you should make sure your child is easily able to reach the vehicle’s grip while sitting upright. Your child shouldn’t have to lean forward to reach the grip.
Consider Leg PositionTo find a kids ATV that fits your child well, look for one that allows your child to reach the pegs with both feet. In this seated position, your child’s thighs should be parallel to his or her arms while your child’s legs maintain a 45-degree angle.
Analyze the Turning ReachTurning reach is important when considering whether an ATV is the right size for your child. When analyzing turning reach, have your child hold the handlebars and turn them to each side while keeping both hands on the handlebars. This will help ensure your child doesn’t lose control of the throttle and brake.
Consider Safety FeaturesWhen shopping for the best kids ATV, consider any additional safety features you want. Some models come with parental controls that allow you to turn the engine off remotely if your child loses control. You may also be able to set a speed limit so your child isn’t able to take the ATV to its maximum speed.
Other optional safety features include an emergency kill switch with a break-away strap that attaches to the child’s clothing or arm. When activated by a fall, this switch immediately turns off the engine.
Pay Attention to the Maximum SpeedSpeed is a factor in many ATV accidents, which is why you may wish to shop for a kids ATV that doesn’t reach speeds above 30 mph. Or, you can purchase an ATV that is capable of reaching high speeds but allows for parental controls to keep speeds lower.
Compare PricesPrice should always be a factor when you’re shopping for an ATV for your child. To make sure you’re getting a good deal, compare a variety of models. Don’t forget to compare models that have similar features so you’re getting the most accurate price comparison for comparable features.
Keep in mind that some kids ATV brands are known for being more reliable than others. It may be worth it for you to spend a few hundred more dollars to ensure you’re getting a machine that will provide joy and entertainment for years. Cheaper is not always better, especially when it comes to purchasing a machine that you’re entrusting to keep your child safe while off-roading.
Choose the Right Transmission TypeMost ATVs made for kids have automatic transmissions. However, there are also models with semi-automatic transmissions. As you can imagine, an ATV with automatic transmission is easier for kids of all skill levels to drive. But if you want your children to learn how to shift as they go, it may be worth it for you to search for a semi-automatic option. Fully manual transmissions are almost impossible to find for a kids ATV.
Consider Your Child’s ReadinessBefore you buy an ATV for your child, make sure you understand the risks. Anyone can become seriously injured while riding an ATV. Consider your child’s individual readiness before taking this big step. Some brands have minimum age recommendations that you should consider when purchasing an ATV.
If you feel that your child is old enough and has sufficient maturity to safely handle an ATV, make sure he or she is equipped with the proper safety gear during every ride. A helmet, goggles and gloves are minimum safety accessories that should be worn during every ride. You should also have your child wear long pants and sleeves so he or she doesn’t get too scraped up in the event of a minor accident.
Always teach proper safety techniques for riding a kids ATV. Your child should know how to maintain a safe speed, yield to others and stay on the correct side of the road or trail. You may also wish to teach proper braking procedures so your child doesn’t brake up too quickly or without warning while riding in front of someone else.
Find the Right Kids ATV for Your Needs
Now that you know some of the things you should look for in the best kids ATV, it’s time to find the ideal machine for your child. Shop for a wide variety of power sports for kids and teens at Motobuys.